Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Feed a Sick Chicken Who Won't Eat - Gold Coast Chickens Australia

Gold Coast Chickens Australia
How to Feed a Sick Chicken Who Won't Eat

Step 1. Try providing the chickens favourite treat. 

Step 2. Dip the chickens beak into the food so they can get a taste for it and know it is there. 

Step 3. If the above didn't work try hand feeding the chicken rolling the food into tiny balls and holding it to the chickens beak, be sure not to force feed as this can result in death if the food goes down the wrong way. 

Step 4. If all of the above steps did not work you will need to drip feed, using a dropper slowly drop a drip on top of the chickens beak so it will roll down the  side of its beak and its natural reaction will be to catch the drop in its mouth. Be sure not to get it in the chickens nostrils and never force it into their mouth as you may drown the chicken. This will take some time but is necessary if you wish to bring your chicken back to health. Sugar water is good as it will hydrate and provide some energy. Olive oil or Apple cider vinegar is also good and will help a lot with any intestinal or digestive blockages. Clean fresh water is also a must.  You may also wish to administer liquid vitamins or antibiotics in this manner. 

Please post below if you have any specific questions or any great ideas for feeding sick chickens! 

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